How to treat sunburn lips at home – fast remedy!
During summer, we tend to be extra careful on putting sunscreen so that we are not tanned due to over-exposure to the sun. This doesn’t

How to make a DIY lip scrub at home – 6 simple recipes!
Are you a victim of that dull, dry, chapped or flaky lips? Have you ever try exfoliating your lips? If not, you should get it

5 easy and effective home remedies to remove tan from hands
Everybody loves to have even toned skin but during summer, it is really hard to get one. If not your face, your neck or hands

5 different ways to use olive oil to get glowing skin
Olive oil is one such powerful ingredient that is wonderful to deal with several health condition, hair condition and skin condition. And in this today’s

How to get softer hands naturally in 1 day!
Dry hands can be troublesome not only for the physical appearance but also for mental health. It is because when you are supposed to shake

How to remove blackheads on nose instantly with Coffee and Lemon!
When the opening of hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil, it leads to form whiteheads or blackheads. Some of the factors

Honey and Banana – Perfect combo to cure dry skin at home
Dry skin condition when left untreated can lead to cracked and infected skin. That is why it is essential to keep your skin moisturized. While one

4 simple habits for healthy glowing skin without any skincare products
Who would not want those flawless, healthy, glowing skin? That is the reason most women experiment on several skin care products. But despite of all

5 effective methods: How to use aspirin to treat acne overnight
Pimples, in many youngsters, whether it be a girl or a boy, have proven to be best friends as they appear and stay with them.

How to heal peeling skin on face overnight?
Everyone dreams of having baby soft smooth, flawless, beautiful skin. But not all of them is blessed with their desire. Many people even go through

How to get rid of eyebrow dandruff naturally
In one of our previous blogs, you have learnt how to treat dandruff in your hair/scalp in one wash. But dandruff is not only an issue

10 home remedies to get rid of dark knuckles instantly
Like dark knees and elbows, dark knuckles and toes are another common issue that most people face. These are the areas that get less attention