How to heal peeling skin on face overnight?

peeling skin on face

Everyone dreams of having baby soft smooth, flawless, beautiful skin. But not all of them is blessed with their desire. Many people even go through medication or surgery to make themselves beautiful. However, those are just a temporary remedy for certain amount of time which will ultimately put more harm to their body.

peeling skin on face

Peeling skin causes:

Dry, flaky and peeling skin is one kind of skin issue that many people struggle with. This usually happens when your skin tend to lose natural oil and water content which are the key to maintain your skin smooth, supple and glowing. When your skin lack those elements, it dehydrates resulting in peeling of the skin. This is caused due to sunburn, seasonal changes, lack of proper nutrition, hormonal changes and stress.  

Peeling skin treatment:

You can easily treat the dry peeling skin at home. It’s as easy as pie. However, if the condition is severe, we suggest you to visit your dermatologist. But in many cases, natural treatment has proved to be the best solution for peeling skin without any side effect. Below we have listed 10 easy home remedies to get rid of peeling skin on face overnight.

1. The magical aloe vera for peeling skin on face

When it comes to dry and flaky skin, aloe vera acts as an effective moisturizer that helps to restore moisture in the skin and reduces irritation, peeling of the skin. It is also good in recovering sunburn effect to the skin.


  • Take a fresh aloe leaf and take out the gel part.
  • Apply fresh aloe gel on your face and other affected areas.
  • Keep it for 20-25 minutes and wash off with warm water
  • Pat dry (do not rub) and moisturize.

2. Oatmeal as peeling skin remedy

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of oatmeal helps to relieve the irritation and peeling of the skin. It has been in use since ages for dry and flaky skin.


  • Soak oatmeal (quantity as required) in warm water for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Apply the soaked oatmeal to the peeling  skin
  • Wait for 20 minutes and rinse off by gently scrubbing with warm water
  • Pat dry (do not rub) and moisturize.

3. Cucumber to heal flaky peeling skin

Rich in antioxidants and potassium, fresh cucumber will hydrate and soothe flaky, irritated and peeling skin naturally.

cucumber to heal peeling skin


  • Rub a cucumber slice directly onto the affected areas
  • Keep it for 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water
  • Alternatively, you can grate a cucumber to make a fine paste and apply the paste to the affected areas, leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off, pat dry and moisturize.

4. Papaya for irritating peeling skin

The hydrating fruit papaya is rich in antioxidants and minerals that works perfect to fix skin issues such as sunburn, peeling, irritation and dryness.


  • Take a little amount of ripe papaya and mash it with the help of a fork in a bowl
  • Mix a bit of honey to it and apply to the affected areas
  • Let it stay for around 25 minutes and rinse off with warm water
  • Pat dry and apply moisturizer.

5. Mashed banana for dry peeling skin on face

One of the quickest and easiest home remedy to get rid of peeling skin on face is by using banana mash. Banana is rich in potassium and moisture and hence it hydrates the dry, flaky skin and restores the peeling skin to soft and supple skin.


  • Take a ripe banana and mash it with the help of a fork in a bowl
  • Apply the mashed banana to your face
  • Keep it for about 20 minutes then rinse off with warm water
  • Pat dry and moisturize.

6. The power of honey to heal peeling skin

Honey is a natural moisturizer and a super hydrating ingredient that works as miracle to treat dry peeling skin.


  • Take a little bit of honey in a bowl
  • Apply the honey directly on your face
  • Let it sit for about 15 minutes
  • Rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
  • Follow daily for visible result.

7. Use curd to treat peeling skin on face

Curd has antibacterial properties which heals flaky skin easily. The lactic acid in the curd helps to restore the natural moisture of the skin and also inhibit the growth of bacteria.


  • Take 2-3 tablespoon of curd in a bowl
  • Apply it on your face and other affected areas
  • Keep it for 15-20 minutes
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water  and pat dry.

8. Lemon and sugar scrub to treat peeling skin

Lemon and sugar when mixed together creates an amazing natural scrub that not only heals the peeling of the skin but also helps to dissolve dead skin cells and regenerates new ones for supple skin.


  • Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoon of sugar in a bowl
  • Apply the mixture in the affected areas and let it sit for 10 minutes
  • Then gently massage while rinsing off through lukewarm water
  • Pat dry and moisturize.

9. Olive oil to fight against peeling skin

The skin-nourishing fatty acids and moisturizing property of olive oil is perfect to treat dry, flaky and peeling skin. It helps to lock in moisture and keeps your skin more lively and supple.


  • Take a little amount of extra virgin olive oil  in your hand and gently rub to make it warm (or you can slightly warm it in a microwave)
  • Apply the oil to an affected areas with a gentle massage
  • Leave it for about 10-15 minutes
  • Then wash off, pat dry and moisturize
  • Repeat daily for visible result.

10. Castor Oil for skin peeling treatment

Castor oil is very effective when it comes to moisturizing the dry skin and healing the peeling skin. The anti- inflammatory properties of castor oil helps to heal the sunburn peeling as well.


  • Take a little castor oil in your hand, rub it to make it little warm and apply on your face
  • You can either keep it overnight and wash off in the morning or wash it off after 30 minutes of application
  • Pat dry and moisturize.

Aren’t these home remedies as simple as an apple pie? I am sure you will definitely try some of the above listed tips to cure peeling skin issues. But remember not to pull or pick the peeling skin as it might tear away the healthy skin too and it might be painful, infected. Let it go off naturally.

Share us  your thoughts in the comment section below and see you in next blog!

Also, discover 10 effective home remedies to treat eczema on face overnight.
