In one of our previous blogs, you have learnt how to treat dandruff in your hair/scalp in one wash. But dandruff is not only an issue for your scalp. It is a major issue to many people’s eyebrows and eyelashes as well and because of this, they find it embarrassing to socialize. However, here we reveal 10 most effective and easy home remedies to get rid of eyebrow dandruff instantly!
What Causes Eyebrow Dandruff?
One of the common causes of eyebrow dandruff could be dry skin. When your skin under the eyebrows are too dry, it becomes flaky leading to the formation of dandruff. Another cause could be the skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis that causes chronic inflammation to the skin leading to whitish/yellowish dandruff flakes to your brows, scalp or other body parts. The eyebrow dandruff could also be caused due to psoriasis which is an immune-mediated disease that leads to scaly patches like dandruff on the skin.
How to get Rid of Eyebrow Dandruff?
Whatever be the cause of an eyebrow dandruff, the remedy for it is not that difficult. In fact, you can do it by yourself at home. Yes, you heard it right. If you do not believe, then simply try few of the home remedies mentioned below and see the magical result within first use.
1. Use almond oil to treat eyebrow dandruff
Almond oils are grateful when it comes to removing eyebrow dandruff along with preventing eyebrow hair fall.
- Massage your eyebrows with warm almond oil before going to bed.
- Wash it off in the morning with lukewarm water.
- Repeat everyday till you get the desired result.
2. Tea tree oil for eyebrow dandruff issue
Tea tree oil is one of the most effective remedies to get rid of dandruff in eyebrows along with scalp. The excellent antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil helps to eliminate dandruff efficiently.
- Dilute tea tree oil in some water and apply it to your brows with the help of cotton balls
- Leave it for 10 minutes then wash off with lukewarm water
- Repeat daily for best result.
3. Lemon Juice to get rid of eyebrow dandruff
The acidic property of lemon acts as antimicrobial agent that helps to get rid of dandruff causing bacteria and fungus. Hence it is one of the easiest and effective home remedies to remove dandruff in your brows.
- Since lemon is acidic in nature, it can cause some burning sensation. So, it is necessary to dilute it in water.
- Then apply the diluted lemon to your brows with the help of cotton balls.
- Wash off after 5-8 minutes.
4. Aloe Vera Gel for dandruff in eyebrows
Aloe vera gel stops the growth of fungus that can cause the dandruff in your brows or even scalp. It also heals the redness and irritation caused due to dandruff along with stimulating hair follicles to promote eyebrow hair growth.
- Apply aloe vera gel to your brows with the help of cotton balls
- Leave it for 10 minutes then wash off with lukewarm water
- Repeat daily for best result.
5. Petroleum jelly to moisturize and abolish eyebrow dandruff
Since skin dryness is one of the reasons for eyebrow dandruff, it is essential to moisturize your skin and what could be better option to moisturize than a petroleum jelly? It has been in use since ages and is quite cost effective as well.
- Apply a little amount of petroleum jelly to your brows before going to bed and gently massage
- In the morning, wash off with lukewarm water
- Repeat daily.
6. Olive oil to eliminate eyebrow dandruff
Olive oil helps to hydrate the skin and keeps it moisturized all the time which helps to get rid of eyebrow dandruff.
- Massage the warm olive oil to your brows gently
- Soak the washcloth in warm water and place it over your brows.
- Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then remove the washcloth and wash off your brows with lukewarm water.
- Repeat daily till you get desired result.
7. Power of coconut oil to remove eyebrow dandruff
Coconut oil tackles the dryness of the skin providing enough moisture to the skin. This remedy has been in use from ages and is very effective as well.
- Massage your brows with a small amount of coconut oil.
- Leave it for 15 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.
- Repeat daily till the dandruff is gone.
8. Vinegar to drop off dandruff in eyebrows
The acetic acid of vinegar makes the fungus difficult to grow which is one of the causes for eyebrow dandruff. It also cleans away the dead skin cell and prevents the dryness and irritation caused due to dandruff.
- Take a few amount of vinegar and massage it to your brows.
- Keep it for 5-8 minutes then rinse off with cool water.
- Repeat daily for best result.
9. Salt to fight against eyebrow dandruff
Yes, salt can also be used to treat dandruff and it does so by exfoliating and cleansing the clogged pores. It also prevents the fungal infection which could cause the dandruff in eyebrows.
- Add some salt to the water and mix it well with the help of a spoon.
- Start applying the salt water to your eyebrows and exfoliate gently with your fingers.
- Then wash off with cool water.
- Repeat daily for best result.
10. Baby shampoo for eyebrow dandruff treatment
It is highly essential that when you are dealing with the skin issues around your eyes, you become very careful and choose products that are gentle and non-irritant. In such cases, the baby products work quite good and for the eyebrow dandruff baby shampoos work perfect. They are very soothing that prevents bacterial or fungal infection and cleanses the clogged pores as well.
- Dampen your eyebrow areas with some lukewarm water
- Apply little amount of baby shampoo with the help of Q-tip to the brow areas
- Then wash off with water.
So, all these tips are quite simple and easy to use, isn’t it? We would love to hear your experience with these tips or if you have tried anything different then do share us in the comment section below.
Also learn on how to remove eyelash dandruff naturally at home.
Note: In case of severe condition due to psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis, do consult with your doctor for the treatment.