What is milia and how to remove milia at home?

milia treatment at home

Milium is a small, white bump around eyes, nose and cheeks; sometimes referred to as milk spots. These masses are often found in groups, and therefore called milia.

milia treatment at home

What causes milia?

Milia are harmless but many people would to like them removed. They can sometimes clear up without any treatment and sometimes persist for longer than expected. They occur when keratin (strong protein found in skin, hair and nail cells) is trapped beneath the skin surface. Though common in people of all ages, milia are most common in newborns.

Why do I have milia?

Milia is caused by trapped keratin in your skin clogging up the sweat ducts.

Milia, in adult, occurs due to various reason like a rash due to allergic reactions and irritation from harsh cosmetic and skin care products. The number of skin cells trapped under the skin surface increases after an injury, burn or blistering of the skin. Damage of skin cells due to sun is another contributing factor.

How do I cure milia?

Natural treatment is always the safe and best method to cure any kind of skin or health disorder. Same is the case for milia. Here are some home treatments that can be effective for eliminating milia at home.

1. Milia home remedy with Oatmeal Scrub

The granular oatmeal removes the dead skin cells and also opens the clogged pores. Its moisturizing properties also provides relief from dryness.


  • Mix together 3 tablespoons of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon each of granulated sugar and raw honey.
  • Stir to make a consistent paste and apply it on the affected areas.
  • Scrub gently for few minutes in circulation motions.
  • Keep it for another few minutes and rinse off with cold water.
  • Repeat this process for 3 to 4 times a week.

2. Get rid of milia using Sugar Scrub and Lemon

Sugar is an easy exfoliating agent and a staple ingredient in every household. It helps in removing dead skin cells from the skin and prevent it from getting clogged. Lemon and olive oil helps to lock moisture in the skin and make it soft and brighter.


  • Add the juice of half a lemon to two tablespoons of granulated sugar and a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Mix well to get a scrub paste and apply it on the milia.
  • Scrub gently in circular motion for few minutes and leave it for some 20 minutes.
  • Then, rinse it with water and pat the skin dry.

Continue with the process for twice a week unless you get some visible changes.

3. Cornstarch and Apple Cider Vinegar for safe removal of milia at home

The astringent properties of apple cider vinegar helps in minimizing pores and drying up the oily skin. It acts as a natural cleansing agent and removes the dead skin cells. Corn starch, on the other hand, absorbs the excess of oil produced by the skin and prevents the possible clogging of the pores.


  • Mix together a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 3 teaspoons of cornstarch.
  • Stir well to form a consistent paste and apply it on the affected area.
  • Keep it for 30 minutes and rinse off well with a wet cloth.
  • Repeat the process regularly unless you see some significant result.

4. Remove milia at home with Baking Soda

Baking soda is a very good exfoliating agent that helps remove dead skin cells. It also maintains the pH level of the skin and keeps it even and clear by unclogging the pores.


  • Mix together some baking soda and water to make a paste.
  • Use the paste on the affected areas in circular motions for few minutes.
  • Leave it to dry.
  • Wash off with warm water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process for 2 – 3 times a week until you see some prominent change.

If you have a dry skin, avoid this method as baking soda can make your skin very dry.

5. Cinnamon Mask – a home remedy for milia

Cinnamon helps to kill the bacteria that contribute to inflamed or clogged pores. The anti-inflammatory properties in Cinnamon helps many skin related problems including milia.


  • Mix together half a tablespoon of cinnamon powder with a tablespoon of baking soda and some lemon juice.
  • Apply this paste on the affected areas
  • Leave it to dry and wash off well with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process for 2 times in week.

6. Natural treatment for milia using Sandalwood and rosewater

Sandalwood and rosewater forms a best combination for treating many skin problems. This mixture also soothes the skin by exfoliating the dead skin cells and regulating the oil production in the skin.


  • Add required amount of rose water to two tablespoons of sandalwood powder to make a consistent paste.
  • Apply it evenly on the face; especially on the affected areas.
  • Keep it up for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse off with cool water.
  • Repeat this method for twice daily to get fast relief from milia.

7. Potatoes make great milia remedy

Rich in starch, potatoes make one of the best and easiest ways to reduce milia. The antioxidant, and astringent properties in potatoes helps control the excess sebum productions from the skin and also exfoliates the dead skin cells.


  • Cut a potato into small pieces and blend it to extract the juice.
  • Dip a cotton ball in the extracted juice and apply it on the affected areas.
  • Leave it to dry completely and rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat the process everyday to witness earliest results.

8. Use Aloe vera for curing milia at home

Enriched with natural goodness to heal many health and skin problems, aloe vera works effectively in healing simple to chronic skin problems including milia.


  • Mix together equal quantities of aloe vera gel and green tea.
  • Apply it on the milia (milk spots) affected skin areas.
  • Leave it on for some 15 minutes and rinse off gently with water.
  • Repeat the same for once or twice daily.

Alternatively, you can extract the aloe gel and apply it on the affected areas before bed and rinse it with cold water the very next morning.

9. Rice scrub treatment for milia

Rice bran is rich in antioxidant and skin hydrating properties and so are used in many skin care products. It is also helpful in removing impurities and dead skin cells from the skin.


  • Soak some rice in milk for approximately 5 hours.
  • Grind them to form a thick paste.
  • Use this to gently scrub your face.
  • Rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the process thrice a week.

10. Honey – best treatment for milia

Honey helps to exfoliate the dead skin cells while retaining the moisture of the skin. With the richness of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes along with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and humectant properties, honey does wonders to your skin.


  • Add a tablespoon of jojoba oil to two tablespoons of raw honey and mix well.
  • Apply this mixture on your face.
  • Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
  • Repeat the application everyday unless you get some prominent output.

You can also apply raw honey to milia affected skin areas and rinse off when dry. Continuing the same process daily can give commendable results.

Natural remedies when followed properly can give amazing results. We hope you get rid of your every skin problem with these safe and easy home solutions.

We are open to any of your suggestions or queries. Do write to us about anything you want to hear from us in the comment section below.


