10 best ways to get rid of blackheads naturally

remove blackheads naturally

Blackheads – the common problem suffered not only by girls but also boys, is usually occurred when the pores become clogged with excessive sebum, dirt and the dead skin cells. It’s better that you take care of blackheads at earliest because once bacteria starts invading the pores, your blackheads will turn to pimples. But do not worry, we will not let that happen. Here we have 10 best and natural ways to cure blackheads at your home.

get rid of blackheads

1. Egg White Mask to cure blackhead naturally

It is one of the best ways to get rid of blackheads. For creating this mask, all you need is:

  • An egg
  • A small bowl
  • Facial tissue
  • Towel


  • Break the egg, keep it in a bowl and separate the egg whites from the yolk.
  • Apply the thin layer of egg white over your skin and cover it with a strip of facial tissue.
  • Once it is dry, re-apply the egg white over the facial tissue and let the mask dry properly.
  • You can then peel off the tissue once you feel your skin being tightened.
  • Wash off the face with cool water and pat dry with towel.

2. Lemon Juice – homemade remedy for blackheads

One of the easiest ways to remove blackheads is applying lemon juice.


  • Squeeze the lemon and apply the juice with the help of cotton balls in your affected areas at bedtime.
  • In the morning, after you get up, wash off your face with cool water.

3. Tomato Mask to get rid of blakhead

Cure your blackheads with the help of tomato mask.


  • Take a tomato, mash it well and apply to your affected areas.
  • Let it dry for 15 minutes. Once it is dried, wash off with cool water.

Note: For dry skin, you can even add olive oil to the mask for smooth and soft result.

tomato for blackhead removal

4. Sugar Scrub for instant blackhead removal

Sugar scrub is another effective natural remedy to get rid of blackheads.


  • Mix a tablespoon of sugar and olive oil
  • Gently scrub to the affected areas for around 1-2 minute.
  • Once done, wash off with clean water and pat dry.

5. Honey and Milk Pore Strips to remove blackheads

Honey and milk have always proved to be beneficial to skin. An antibacterial element and lactic acid present in honey and milk respectively, keeps your skin soft and supple. And when these elements are put together, it becomes the best remedy to cure blackheads. In order to prepare honey and milk pore strips, all you need is a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of milk and a strip of cotton.


  • Mix honey and milk, heat it for around 5-10 seconds and mix it again so that it blends properly.
  • Once it’s blended and the temperature is comfortable, apply a layer of the mixture onto your affected areas and firmly pat a strip of dry cotton onto it.
  • Once it’s dry, peel the strip off carefully and VOILA… you get rid of your blackheads.
  • Rinse with cold water and apply some moisturizer.

6. Lemon and milk to cure blackheads at home


  • Mix around some 4 tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 tablespoon of milk.
  • Apply this mixture to your affected areas and let it be there for around 30 minutes.
  • Once done, wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry with towel.

7. Toothpaste – an overnight remedy for blackhead removal

Applying toothpaste has been my personal preference to remove blackheads as it’s quick, easy and simple. Toothpaste helps to dry out the oil, hence it is a good remedy to cure blackheads.  


  • You can either apply it overnight before going to bed or apply it for at least an hour.
  • When it’s done, wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry. 

8. Baking Soda Solution to get rid of blackheads

The granules present in baking soda helps to remove things that are clogging your skin pores. That is why baking soda solution is very good to cure blackheads.


  • Mix baking soda with water to form a paste and apply it to your skin.
  • Massage it in a circular motion and leave it for around 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

baking soda for blackhead removal

9. Oatmeal and Yogurt Mask to remove blackheads

Oatmeal and yogurt are incredible elements to keep your skin free of blackheads.


  • Create this mask using 2 tablespoon of oats along with 3 tablespoon of yogurt.
  • You can even add tablespoon of lemon for better result.
  • Apply the mask to your face and leave it for around 10-15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

10. Cinnamon and Lemon Juice for blackhead removal


  • Create a mask using 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder and 2-3 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Apply the mask to your face and leave it overnight for best result, if not, at least an hour.
  • Wash off the face with cool water and pat off dry.

Among the above listed points, do let us know which worked best for your skin in the comments below. Also, if you want to get natural tips on getting instant glowing skin at home, then here we have top 10 natural tips for making your skin glow.
