Remove stretch marks from your buttocks, thighs and stomach – [10 easy home remedies]

remove stretch marks naturally

Stretch marks are the visible off-color lines on the surface of skin that occurs mainly on abdominal wall. Other areas include upper arms, thighs, breasts and buttocks.

Why do I have stretch marks?

There are several reasons behind the occurrence of stretch marks. For females while pregnancy is the main cause, there are several other reasons as well which includes sudden loss or gain in weight, stress, rapid growth and heredity factors.

remove stretch marks naturally

How do I remove my stretch marks? 

Whatever the cause be, stretch marks can really make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance. Well, no more! There are natural solutions to every skin problem. Today, here we reveal top 10 most effective and easy way to get rid of stretch marks quickly at your own home.

1. Lemon Juice – natural way to cure stretch marks

One of the easiest ways to cure stretch marks without any side effect is applying lemon juice. The acidic property of lemon helps in reducing stretch marks along with pimples, acnes or scars.


  • Juice out some fresh lemons in a cup
  • With the help of cotton balls, apply it on affected areas
  • Massage gently for around 5-10 minutes in a circular motion
  • Then, rinse off with lukewarm water.

2. Aloe Vera to remove stretch marks

Aloe Vera, which is effective in treatment of various skin problems, has healing and soothing properties that works best to get rid of stretch marks.


  • Take a fresh aloevera and squeeze the gel part out of it
  • Apply aloevera gel directly to the  affected areas
  • Leave it for around 15 mins, then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Additionally, you can also add extract oil (10 vitamin E capsule and 5 vitamin A capsule) to the aloevera gel and rub in the affected areas.

3. Potato Juice to cure stretch marks

Potato juice is one of the best natural ways to cure stretch marks. It is rich in minerals and vitamins which helps to grow and restore the skin cells.


  • Take a slice of potato and gently rub on the stretch mark areas for few minutes.
  • Once the juice is dry, wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the process daily till you get the desired result.

4. Water to get rid of stretch marks

Water keeps your body hydrated and hydrated body are less prone to any kind of diseases including skin diseases. Water, which is rich in oxygen and nutrients, also helps to increase the elasticity of skin which acts as best stretch marks remedy. Drinking water on a regular basis helps to detoxify harmful toxins responsible for flaky and dry skin. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

water to remove stretchmarks

5. Sugar to reduce stretch marks

Sugar is a natural skin exfoliator that acts as best home remedy to reduce stretch marks.


  • In a tablespoon of sugar, add few drops of lemon juice and almond oil.
  • Mix it well and rub it on the stretch marks areas for around 5 minutes
  • Then, rinse it off with lukewarm water.

You may require to repeat the process for a month or so to get desired result.

6. Olive Oil to get rid of stretch marks fast

Olive oil is beneficial in curing stretch marks along with other skin disorders with its enrich nutrients and antioxidants property. Applying olive oil helps in better blood circulation which helps to reduce stretch marks.


  • Apply warm extra-virgin olive oil into your stretch mark areas
  • Massage in a circular motion for few minutes.
  • Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

7. Castor Oil to cure stretch marks

Castor oil is very effective for several skin problems such as moles, dark spots, pimples, acnes, fine lines, wrinkles and stretch marks.


  • Apply some amount of castor oil to the stretch marks
  • Gently massage for 5-10 minutes in circular motion.
  • Once done, apply some heat to the affected areas with the help of hot water bag for around 30 minutes.
  • Make sure you wrap the area with a thin cotton cloth before applying heat. Repeat the process daily for a month to get noticeable result.

8. Tea Tree Oil for stretch mark remedy

The antibiotic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil is very effective to remove stretch marks.


  • Apply some tea tree oil to the affected areas
  • Massage gently for around 5-10 minutes.
  • Once done, rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.

9. Egg Whites – best way to get rid of stretch marks

Egg whites are rich in proteins and amino acid that work as miracle to get rid of stretch marks.

get rid of stretch marks with egg wites


  • Take 2 raw eggs and extract the white part.
  • Whip the egg whites well and apply a thick layer with the help of brush to the stretch mark areas.
  • Once the egg whites are dry, wash off with cold water and pat dry
  • Apply some olive oil to keep your skin moisturized.

10. Cocoa Butter to remove stretch marks

Cocoa butter is an excellent natural moisturizer that has anti-aging properties. It nourishes your skin and enhances the blood circulation that helps to reduce stretch marks.


  • Apply cocoa butter in affected areas
  • Massage for around 5-10 minutes twice a day.
  • You can notice the remarkable difference within 2 months of the usage.

With these natural tips, you can easily get rid of stretch marks and say ‘hi’ to beautiful flawless skin. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!

P.S. You can also get your hands on Meladerm creams as they are quite effective in lightening the skin and resolving such skin issues.

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