How to get rid of smelly underarms – 10 natural tips for armpits odor!

smelly underarms remedy

As bright as the summer seems, a stinky armpits is a major turn off for such a wonderful season. Although deodorants might help to shadow the foul smell, it’s just a temporary solution.

So, if you are seeking for a permanent solution that can help you get rid of smelly underarms, then here we reveal 10 effective home remedies to solve your issue naturally.

1. Lemon juice gets rid of smelly armpits

The acidic property of lemon lowers the pH of your skin and makes it difficult for odor causing bacteria to survive.


  • 1 lemon


  • Take a lemon and cut it into two halves.
  • Rub the halved lemon directly on your underarms.
  • Leave the juice on until it dries.
  • Then rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat daily for better results. . 

2. Coconut oil for underarm odor treatment

Coconut oil restores the pH of your skin and it also consists of medium-chain fatty acids that act as antimicrobial agents which kill odor causing bacteria on your underarms. 


  • Coconut oil 


  • Take some coconut oil on your fingers, gently massage it and apply directly to your underarms.
  • Leave it on until it is absorbed.
  • Repeat each time you take a shower.

3. Aloe Vera to remove underarms odor

One of the amazing home remedies to treat smelly underarms is the use of aloe vera gel. It is rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties that kills the bacteria responsible for causing stinky underarms 


  • Fresh aloe vera leaf


  • Take the gel part from the fresh aloe vera leaf.
  • Apply it directly to your underarms.
  • Leave it on overnight and wash it off the next morning.
  • Repeat daily to see some remarkable changes.

4. Castor oil removes armpit smell

Castor oil has the ability to reduce underarms odor. Its antibacterial properties keep the odor causing bacteria away.


  • Castor oil



  • Apply some castor oil to both of your underarms.
  • Leave it on overnight.
  • Rinse it off the next morning.
  • Repeat daily for best results.

5. Potato is a natural cure for underarm odor

Potatoes have slight acidic nature with antimicrobial properties that kill odor causing bacteria. It is one of the most feasible home remedies to get smell free armpits.


  • 1 raw potato


  • Cut the potato into thin slices.
  • Take a slice of potato and gently rub it on your underarms.
  • Let it dry and apply apply deodorant over it.
  • You can repeat it twice a day for odor free armpits. 

6. Garlic removes armpit sweat smell

You might be thinking garlic stinks too but don’t worry you shall not wear it but instead eat it as consumption of garlic helps to eliminate body odor due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that kills stinky smell causing bacteria. 


  • 2-3 garlic cloves


  • Consider chewing garlic cloves with your meal on a daily basis.
  • If you are worried about the foul smell of garlic, then consider consuming it on night time.

7. Baking Soda is a natural underarm odor remedy

Baking sodas are great to keep your underarms sweat free and dry. It also has antibacterial properties that helps to fight against foul smell causing bacteria. 


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • A bowl


  • Mix both baking soda and lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture to your underarms.
  • Leave it on for about 10 minutes.
  • Then rinse off with cool water.
  • Repeat once a day till you get rid of it. 

8. Sandalwood powder removes bad underarms odor 

Sandalwood powder is another effective home remedy to cure smelly armpits. The soothing aroma of the powder removes bad odor and also prevents perspiration. 


  • Sandalwood powder
  • Water 


  • Make a sandalwood paste by mixing water and powder.
  • Once a thick consistency is formed, apply the paste to your underarms.
  • Leave it for about half an hour.
  • Then rinse off with cool water.
  • Repeat every alternate day for best results.

9. Turnip juice gets rid of stinky armpits

Turnip juice acts as a natural deodorant which consists of antibacterial properties that kills odor-causing bacteria.


  • A Turnip 
  • Washcloth
  • Cotton pads


  • Take a turnip and grind it to form a paste.
  • Now extract the juice by squeezing the paste in a washcloth.
  • Apply the juice to both of your underarms with the help of cotton pads.
  • Repeat daily for better result. 

10. Tea tree oil for smelly armpits cure

The antimicrobial and astringent properties of tea tree oil help to diminish odor-causing bacteria in the underarms areas. It is one of the best home remedies to get rid of smelly armpits. 


  • 2 drops of tea tree oil
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • Cotton pads


  • Dilute tea tree oil by adding two tablespoons of water to it.
  • Apply the diluted oil to both of your underarms with the help of cotton pads.
  • Repeat twice a day for better result. 

While these remedies will give a smell free underarms, it’s always better to prevent this issue by implementing the following preventive measures:

  • Stay hydrated.
  • Shower daily and use washed towels after each bath.
  • Use antibacterial soap or body wash.
  • Do not use cheap deodorant.
  • Trim your underarm hair whenever required.  
  • Have a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. 

Hope you found the required remedy via this article. 
