Chamomile is an herb which is being consumed in the form of a tea for centuries as a natural home remedy to treat several health issues. It is rich in antioxidants that lowers the risk of several heart related diseases. It is rich in soothing properties that relieves from headaches, stomach aches and muscle pains. There are a lot of several other such heath benefits which are listed below!

1. Chamomile tea relieves headaches and migraines
Chamomile tea is a quick relief to your headaches or migraines. Due to its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, it works perfect to relieve pain or aches. It also works as a natural profen which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
How to consume chamomile tea during headache/migraine?
You can either use the fresh/dried chamomile flowers or buy chamomile tea bags.
Now to prepare the tea:
- Boil a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of chamomile flower in it (alternatively, you can also use a tea bag)
- Now, cover it for about 5 minutes and then strain it.
- You can now consume it while it’s still warm (you can also add honey for the flavor).
- Repeat 3-4 times a day for better results.
2. Chamomile tea relieves menstrual cramps
Menstrual cramps are one of the major discomforts during menstruation for every lady. While the pain is unbearable, there are herbs like chamomile which helps to somehow relieve the cramps. Drinking chamomile tea helps to relax the uterus muscles and the amino acid glycin present in this herb helps to ease muscle spasms.
How to consume chamomile tea to relieve menstrual cramps?
You can either use the fresh/dried chamomile flowers or buy chamomile tea bags.
Now to prepare the tea:
- Boil a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of chamomile flower in it (alternatively, you can also use a tea bag)
- Now, cover it for about 5 minutes and then strain it.
- You can now consume it while it’s still warm (you can also add honey for the flavor).
- Drink 2-3 cups a day for better results.
3. Chamomile tea treats insomnia
One of the other great health benefits of drinking chamomile tea is it helps you to fall asleep with ease. The herb is rich in flavonoids which is responsible for releasing serotonin and dopamine that actually works as a mild tranquilizer and sleep inducer for your good night’s sleep.
How to consume chamomile tea for a good night’s sleep?
It is generally recommended to consume a cup of warm chamomile tea before an hour to the bed. It also relaxes your muscles and nerves.
Now to prepare the tea:
- Boil a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of chamomile flower in it (alternatively, you can also use a tea bag)
- Now, cover it for about 5 minutes and then strain it.
- Drink it while it’s still warm before an hour to the bed.
4. Chamomile tea soothes stomach disturbances
Chamomile tea works as a digestive relaxant which helps to deal with several gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion, diarrhea, nausea, motion sickness, and vomiting. The essential oils present in the herb soothes the intestinal walls that provides relief from any stomach aches, bloating or gas issues.
How to consume chamomile tea to soothe stomach ache?
You can either use the fresh/dried chamomile flowers or buy chamomile tea bags.
Now to prepare the tea:
- Boil a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of chamomile flower in it (alternatively, you can also use a tea bag)
- Now, cover it for about 5 minutes and then strain it.
- You can now consume it while it’s still warm (you can also add honey for the flavor).
- Drink 2-3 times a day for digestive relief.
5. Chamomile tea reduces stress
A cup of chamomile tea has the power to keep your stress level under control. With the calming and soothing properties of this herb, it has a sedative effect in the central nervous system that helps you to reduce any kind of stress and anxiety.
How to consume chamomile tea to reduce stress?
You can either use the fresh/dried chamomile flowers or buy chamomile tea bags.
Now to prepare the tea:
- Boil a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of chamomile flower in it (alternatively, you can also use a tea bag)
- Now, cover it for about 5 minutes and then strain it.
- You can now consume it while it’s still warm (you can also add honey for the flavor).
- Drink 2-3 times a day when you have a hard day.
- Add a few drops of chamomile essential oil to warm bathwater.
- Soak yourself in it for about 15 minutes.
- This will help to relax your nerves and reduce stress.
6. Chamomile tea treats cuts and wound
The anti-inflammatory,antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of chamomile aid in treating cuts and healing wounds. That is why it has been in use since ages from the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians for treating wounds and cuts naturally.
How to use chamomile tea to heal wounds?
- Boil a teaspoon of chamomile leaves in a cup of water.
- Let it cool for a while then wet a washcloth in it.
- Apply the washcloth in the affected areas and leave for about 15 minutes.
7. Chamomile tea treats cold
Chamomile tea has been our grandma’s therapy to treat coldness. It consists of compounds that helps to fight infections caused due to cold. It’s a natural cold remedy that helps to overcome stuffy nose and sore throat
How to use chamomile tea to treat colds?
- You can either consume hot cup of chamomile tea or inhale steam from chamomile tea to make your nasal congestion easy.
8. Chamomile tea boosts immune system
Due to the rich anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties of chamomile, consumption of chamomile tea helps to boost immune system by defeating unwanted viruses and bacteria that weakens your immunity.
How to consume chamomile tea to boost immunity?
You can either use the fresh/dried chamomile flowers or buy chamomile tea bags.
Now to prepare the tea:
- Boil a cup of water and add 1 teaspoon of chamomile flower in it (alternatively, you can also use a tea bag)
- Now, cover it for about 5 minutes and then strain it.
- You can now consume it while it’s still warm (you can also add honey for the flavor).
- Drink 2-3 times a day to enhance your immune system.
9. Chamomile tea helps control diabetes
From a study, it has been determined that, “Chamomile tea has some beneficial effects on glycemic control and serum lipid profile in T2DM patients”. A study from 2015 also showed that chamomile tea helped diabetic patients by “suppressing blood sugar levels, increasing liver glycogen storage and inhibition of sorbitol in the human erythrocytes”. However, it also states that, “Additional studies are required to evaluate the usefulness of chamomile in managing diabetes.”
So, we highly recommend to consult with your doctors before intaking chamomile tea for your diabetic issues.
10. Chamomile tea improves heart health
According to a study, chamomile can lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol known as LDL cholesterol. In one of such studies, when examined, it has been found that flavonoids present in the chamomile has helped to reduce the heart diseases in European and American population. Thus, consumption of chamomile tea lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases and keeps your heart healthy.
Again, we highly recommend to consult with your doctors before drinking chamomile tea if you have any heart related issues.
With so much of health benefits of chamomile tea, how can one not include it in their kitchen for regular use? While the benefits of chamomile are many, we do not suggest to use it as a substitute for your medical treatments. Always consult with your doctors to know the potential reactions that the tea may bring to your health.