Ever wonder why our grandmas and mom force us for hot oil massage in hair? Well, while we might think it’s so sticky and make us feel gross, it is actually their very secret to maintain and grow their hair with natural shine and lustre.

Why should you massage your hair with hot oil?
Hot oil massage to your scalp and hair is beneficial in several ways. Below are some of the few advantages of massaging your hair with hot oil.
- Promotes hair growth
Hot oil massage improves blood circulation around the scalp that helps to nourish hair follicles and tissues. This strengthens the hair follicle leading towards faster hair growth.
- Preserves hair from harmful UV rays
Layering your hair with oil acts as sun protection that prevents your hair from harmful UV rays.
- Gives frizz free and shiny hair
The deep moisturization of oil massage prevents your hair from dryness, frizziness and even split ends. It results in lustrous and healthy hair.
- Removes dandruff
Dry scalp often leads to dandruff. Hence, massaging your scalp with oil provides moisture by stimulating sebaceous gland to produce natural oil in the scalp. This ultimately helps to treat dandruff.
So, next time whenever you are told to massage your scalp/hair with oil, just remember these points before you refuse. But what is the right way to do hot oil massage? Keep reading!
How to do a hot oil massage to grow your hair at home?
Well, it’s as easy as a pie. All you’ll need is some ingredients as listed below and follow the directions as mentioned.
Things you’ll need:
- Coconut oil, olive oil or mustard oil (or any other oil of your choice that is good for your hair)
- Saucepan
- Glass bowl
- Water
- Heating medium (eg: stove)
- Take a saucepan and fill half of it with water and heat it in a stove.
- Now, take a glass bowl and put the oil of your choice as required for your hair.
- Keep that glass bowl inside the saucepan and warm the oil from the the heat of boiling water.
- Once the oil is heated to your desired temperature (must be bearable on your scalp, do not overheat it), put off the stove.
Now, in order to apply this heated oil, all you need to do is:
- Comb your hair thoroughly to remove all the tangles with the help of a hair brush
- Take little amount of hot oil onto your palm, rub them and start applying all over your scalp.
- Then start massaging it in a circular motion for about 10-15 minutes.
- You can also apply the oil all over your hair.
- Once done, tie your hair in a bun and cover with a shower cap.
- You can either leave it overnight or let it sit for at least an hour.
- Then you can shampoo and condition your hair like normal.
So, have you been massaging your hair with hot oil in the right way? If not, you can get it started right away! Let us know your experience and what your grandmas used to say about hot oil massage in the comments section below!